Monday, March 25, 2019

Ensuring Protection of PHI When Using Mobile Devices

Similar to laptops and computers, the default settings on anyone’s mobile devices could be unsecure and therefore prone to breach. And this makes it all the more important to ensure that mobile devices are configured properly as well as secured thoroughly, especially if that mobile devices are to be used for creation, maintenance, transmit, or for receiving ePHI.
It is very important that people understand how unsafe and unsecure it could be to use public Wi-Fi like that provided in the coffee shops or airports. It is important that one uses secure file sharing services or cloud storage on such devices. The regulatory compliance services could help your better in understanding how one can protect PHI when they use mobile devices.
Here are a few tips as per healthcare compliance Las Vegas  that healthcare providers may follow for securing PHI on their mobile devices:
·         Implementation of HIPAA policies as well as procedure regarding how the mobile devices need to be used in healthcare workplace, especially when it is being used for creation, to receive, to maintain, or transmit ePHI.
·         Require proper authentication every time the mobile device is unlocked.
·         Install as well as enable automatic lock and/or logoff functionality.
·         Regularly update and install security patches as well as latest updates.
·         Install and enable anti-malware and/or anti-virus encryption, software, and remote wiping capabilities.
·         Consider using those Mobile Device Management or MDM software that are help make mobile devices more secure and easy to manage.

·         Use internet connection only from authorized and secure sources.